It is believed that about 375 million years ago, the whole landmass was one piece called Pangaea. Due to geographical changes, this Landmark separated broke off and drifted apart by major barriers of sea, deserts or mountains. All these regions had the different climatic and topographic condition but the animals may have passed from one part to another. Earth can be divided into 6 biogeographic regions on the basis of the distribution of plants and animals. These regions are called realms. So take the Zoogeography Realms quiz and check your knowledge about zooGeographic realms.
1. In how many geographic regions, earth has been divided by A.R. Wallace?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
2. Who proposed biogeographic realms for the first time for the distribution of birds?
A. A.R. Wallace
B. P.L. Sclater
C. Weber
D. Darwin
3. Under which realm, India is considered as a part?
A. Ethiopian
B. Nearctic
C. Oriental
D. Palearctic
4. Which realm is the home of monotremes?
A. Australian
B. Oriental
C. Neotropical
D. All of these
5. The presence of a cassowary and Lyrebird is a characteristic of.....
A. Oriental realm
B. Neotropical realm
C. Nearctic realm
D. Australian realm
6. Wallace had divided Earth into 6 realms, on the basis of their......
A. Temperature
B. Flora
C. Fauna
D. All of the above
7. In which realm poisonous snakes are abundant?
A. Ethiopian
B. Oriental
C. Nearctic
D. Palearctic
8. Which of the following bird is present in the neotropical realm?
A. Guinea fowl
B. Ostrich
C. Rhea
D. Robin
9. Which one of the following is a lungfish of the African continent?
A. Lepidosiren
B. Neoceratodus
C. Lepidosteus
D. Protopterus
10. Which two realms combined to form the Holarctic realm?
A. Palearctic and nearctic
B. Nearctic and Ethiopian
C. Palearctic and neotropical
D. Australian and Oriental
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