How Savage Are You Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 2582 | Recent Updated: 20-Feb-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
It's really unfortunate to know people sometimes believe that there's something wrong about being savage when it's actually not. Savage people make the greatest of friends as they're quite fun to hangout with. Although it's not recommended for soft-hearted people to make savage friends as they might end up hurting you unintentionally. Being savage can also sometimes be a headache because not everyone can take a joke. If you're wondering how savage you are, take this quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you enjoy having small talks with strangers?

A. Yes, I love small talks

B. Yes, but not much

C. No, I would rather stay quiet

D. No, I don't even reply to what a stranger says to me

2. What would you rather choose to watch?

A. Sitcom

B. Romcom

C. Dark comedy

D. A wildlife documentary

3. Which is your favorite extracurricular activity?

A. Debating

B. Theatre

C. None of the above

D. I don't like to do extracurricular activities

4. Have you ever bullied someone?

A. Yes, it was a fun experience

B. Yes, but I regret doing it

C. No, I never got a chance

D. No, I would never do that

5. What would you do if a friend betrays you?

A. I will insult them

B. I will ask for a justification

C. I will ignore them

D. I don't have any friends

6. What do you find the most offensive?

A. When someone makes fun of your appearance

B. When someone makes fun of your mental health

C. When someone mocks your family relations

D. I don't find any of the above offensive

7. Are you more emotional or logical in an argument?

A. Emotional

B. Logical

C. Both

D. None

8. How would you choose to embarrass someone if you had to?

A. By punching them in the face

B. By tearing apart their clothes

C. By bullying them in public

D. By mimicking their actions

9. What defines your personality the best?

A. I'm a pile of comebacks

B. I'm always ready to argue

C. I ignore the people who criticise me

D. I'm socially anxious

10. What will make you cry the easiest?

A. A scolding from my parents

B. A minor injury

C. Losing a friendship

D. Death of a movie character


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