A shy person is exceptionally hard to understand if you really like them. Have you and the modest person been trading look and you think that it’s difficult to know whether he prefers you or wouldn't like to give you the season of the day? Take up the test beneath and see.
1. How do his companions act around you?
A. We're all companions
B. They inquire as to whether I like him
C. We're kind of companions and we do converse with one another
D. I've never met his companions
2. Do you like to talk to a shy person?
A. No
B. Yes
C. They are so irritating
D. I also start blushing
3. Has he ever............
A. Moved to the opposite side?
B. Brushed against you?
C. Attempted to hold your hand?
D. None of the above
4. Does he interestingly talk to you?
A. No
B. Yes always
C. Somehow
D. I really like talking to him
5. Has he begun to change his appearance?
A. He looks great recently
B. Somedays he looks extremely decent
C. He seems as though he took off of bed yet that is only his style
D. Not at all
6. Does he ever compliment you?
A. He has said he loves my new hair style
B. We don't converse with one another
C. He said he truly prefers my new outfit
D. He supposes you're an extremely decent individual
7. Have you spent time with each other?
A. We've gone out to see the films together
B. We don't generally hang out in a similar gathering
C. We've gone to eat together previously
D. Always
8. Do you have his phone number?
A. Truly, he offered it to me
B. Truly he offered it to me and he messages me regularly
C. No however he continues revealing to me he'll call me
D. No, we don't converse with one another
9. Has he ever laughed at a dumb joke of yours?
A. Indeed he giggled and disclosed to me I was clever
B. He didn't get I was making a quip
C. Indeed, he giggled a bit
D. We don't talk
10. Have you at any point found him looking at you?
A. No. I don't think
B. Indeed and he turns away rapidly
C. He takes a gander at you and afterward grins
D. I haven't really observed him gazing at me purchase I get an inclination he is
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