This quiz is all about an American comedy-drama television series Zoey 101. It was created by Dan Schneider and It focuses on the lives of Zoey Brooks, her brother Dustin and her friends as they attend Pacific Coast Academy (PCA), a fictional boarding school in Southern California. After that, As the series progresses, the group of friends grows closer together, some platonic while others not so much. have you ever watched this series? If you have watched this series then here's a quiz on Zoey 101, to check your knowledge about how well you know about Zoey 101 series.
1. When did the American comedy-drama television series Zoey 101 was released?
A. 9 January 2005
B. 5 January 2007
C. 9 January 2009
D. 7 January 2003
2. Who wrote the theme song, "Follow Me"?
A. Emma Roberts
B. Britney Spears
C. Vanessa Anne Hudgens
D. Jamie Lynn Spears
3. In the episode of Quinn's Date, who was Quinn's crush?
A. Mark
B. Chase
C. Logan
D. None of these
4. In the first episode of the third season, who was kissing Chase when Zoey walked in?
A. Chase's mom
B. Logan's sister
C. Rebecca
D. None of these
5. How many seasons are there of the television series Zoey 101?
A. Ten seasons
B. Four seasons
C. Two seasons
D. Five seasons
6. Who plays Dustin Brooks on Zoey 101?
A. Drake Bell
B. Paul Butcher
C. Emma Roberts
D. Matthew Underwood
7. What is the name of the sushi bar at Pacific Coast Academy?
A. Sushi bar
B. Cozues sushi bar
C. Sushi rocks
D. Sus rules
8. How much money did Zoey give Dustin when he was playing "Gummy Worm Blues" with his guitar?
A. Two dollars
B. Ten dollars
C. Five dollars
D. Twenty dollars
9. How many times do Zoey 101 series win Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards?
A. Five times
B. Two times
C. Ten times
D. Three times
10. Who plays Lola Martinez from Zoey 101?
A. Miley Cyrus
B. Victoria Justice
C. Emma Roberts
D. Jamie Lynn Spears
11. Who sings the theme song, "Follow Me"?
A. Emma Watson
B. Jamie Lynn Spears
C. Britney Spears
D. Brenda Song
12. How many total episodes are there in the Zoey 101 series?
A. Fifty Episodes
B. Ninety-nine Episode
C. Sixty-one Episode
D. Ninety-one Episode
13. How many Young Artist Awards does the American comedy-drama television series Zoey 101 win?
A. Five awards
B. Two awards
C. Three awards
D. Ten awards
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