The concept of the human development index is developed by Pakistani economists. The index is calculated under four key indicators such as life expectancy, expected years of schooling, average rainfall of education and gross per capita income. It also helps to develop policies, leadership skills sharing capabilities, institutional capacities and flexible to promote the development of the country. Human Development Index 2019 released by the United Nations Development Program {UNDP}. India has improved a notch in this index. Let's take the awesome quiz about the Human Development Index.
1. Which is the list of top most countries in the Human Development Index 2019?
A. Norway
B. Australia
C. Switzerland
D. Ireland
2. According to the index, how much India ranks in the list of 189 countries?
A. 130 ranks
B. 147 ranks
C. 055 ranks
D. 129 ranks
3. How far is 'Sri Lanka' ranked among India's neighbors?
A. 70th
B. 71th
C. 85th
D. 20th
4. Which one the fastest-growing region in the world between 1990 and 2018?
A. Middle Asia
B. South Asia
C. South America
D. Europe
5. Which is the rank of China in the human Development Index 2019?
A. 65th place
B. 75th place
C. 85th place
D. 95th place
6. In Asia, South Asia registered a growth of _______________% in terms of Human Development Index in 2019.
A. 46%
B. 47%
C. 56%
D. 66%
7. How much percentage has increased in India's HDI value?
A. 20 percent / %
B. 30 percent / %
C. 50 percent / %
D. 75 percent / %
8. According to the Human Development Index report, group-based inequality exists around the world, this inequality particularly affects _____________.
A. Women
B. Child
C. Poor citizen
D. All of the above
9. Under the Human Development Index report, how many years of the required number of years of schooling in India have been calculated?
A. 12.1 years has been assessed
B. 12.2 years has been assessed
C. 12.3 years has been assessed
D. 12.4 years has been assessed
10. Human development index 2019 which country at the bottom of the index?
A. South African Republic
B. South Sudan
C. Niger
D. No anyone of the above
11. India has got a place in the third class ____________ like last year.
A. Upper human development
B. Medium Human Development
C. Low human development
D. Very lower human development
12. Which country is ranked first among SAARC in Human Development Index report 2019?
A. Sri Lanka
B. Bangladesh
C. India
D. Bhutan
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