Childrens Day Quiz: How Much You Know About International Children's Day?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 9665 | Recent Updated: 17-Nov-2020
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The celebration of International Children's Day began in the mid-20th century. World Children's Day inspires all of us to advocate and promote children's rights. And the purpose of celebrating this day is to promote international solidarity, awareness among children worldwide and work for the welfare of children. Children are our future, but if children are deprived of their rights then a better world will not be created. Our generation should demand that leaders of government, business, and communities fulfill their commitments and now take action for child rights. It should be committed to ensuring that every child gets every right. International Children's Day was first celebrated on 20 November. Child rights were adopted on this day. Let's take an awesome quiz about International Children's Day or World Children's Day.

Questions Excerpt

1. International Children's Day was first celebrated in ______________ on 20 November.

A. In 1954

B. In 1854

C. In 1974

D. In 1984

2. Which one is child rights all over the world?

A. Right to life

B. Right to protection

C. Right to participation

D. All of the above

3. Children's day in India is celebrated on which November on the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of the country?

A. On 24 November

B. On 20 November

C. On 04 November

D. On 14 November

4. Children's day is celebrated on the second ____________ of June in America.

A. Sunday

B. Monday

C. Tuesday

D. Friday

5. When is Children's Day celebrated in Britain?

A. 31 August

B. 30 November

C. 30 August

D. 20 August

6. Under the convention, every person under the age of recognized as a child?

A. Age of 18

B. Age of 22

C. Age of 21

D. Age of 20

7. The attendance rate of girls in primary schools has increased from 10% in 1992 to ________% in 2019.

A. 41%

B. 61%

C. 31%

D. 51%

8. In 2019, a conference was organized by the United Nations Children's Fund on the occasion of International Children's Day, which was named?

A. Go Blue Campaign

B. Go Green Campaign

C. Go Red Campaign

D. Go Yellow Campaign

9. National Conference '_____________' was organized for every child in India.

A. Go Blue Campaign

B. National Summit for Every Child

C. Education for every child

D. Home for every child

10. The National Conference for each child in India was organized by which institution in the Indian Parliament?


B. Home Minister

C. Minister of external affair

D. All of above

11. Under which article, the emphasis has been laid on learning of other languages ​​along with their mother tongue for the all-round development of children?

A. Article 61

B. Article 51

C. Article 41

D. Article 30

12. Children's Day was first celebrated worldwide.

A. October 1945

B. October 1955

C. October 1975

D. October 1965


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