Art Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Art?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1138 | Recent Updated: 17-Feb-2021
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Many people are interested in art. Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visuals, expressing the painter's imagination, and performing artifacts. Do you want to test yourself how much you know about art? Then take a small quiz given below! Good luck.

Questions Excerpt

1. The first arts in the Philippines were inspired by...

A. Chinese

B. Indians

C. Americans

D. Spaniards

2. What is Art?

A. Creation of visually pleasing works

B. Skill way or method

C. Drawing, painting, sculpture

D. Not sure

3. What is the quality of visual wholeness or oneness?

A. Unity

B. Love

C. Rhythm

D. Profanity

4. The repetition of art elements.

A. Texture

B. Form

C. Pattern

D. Not sure

5. In which language the name "Art Nouveau" means "new art ".

A. French

B. Latin

C. Italian

D. Spanish

6. Secondly, the colors are...

A. Red, yellow, blue

B. Green, yellow, purple

C. Green, Orange, purple

D. Red-orange, yellow-green, Blue-violet

7. Contour line can be defined as:

A. Continuous line

B. A joining line

C. An outline

D. Not sure

8. The degree of lightness or darkness in a work of art is...

A. Form

B. Color

C. Shape

D. Value

9. What color does red and blue make?

A. Green

B. Purple

C. Pink

D. Yellow

10. The form is measured or defined with .... dimensions

A. 1 dimension

B. 4 dimensions

C. 6 dimensions

D. 8 dimensions

11. What is Picasso's style of Painting?

A. Pointilism

B. Immpressionist

C. Abstract

D. Don't know

12. Which Artist was born in 1841?

A. Renoir

B. Caravaggio

C. Rubens

D. Berthe Morisot


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