An artist is a person who habitually practices a specified reprehensible activity. An artist is a person engaged in an activity related to creating art, practicing the arts, or demonstrating art. The common usage in both everyday speech and academic discourse refers to a practitioner in the visual arts only. Art is generally understood as any activity or product done by people with a communicative or aesthetic purpose something that expresses an idea, an emotion, or, more generally, a world view.
1. How will you describe the motive of your art?
A. To motivate people
B. To encounter a memory
C. To spread happiness
D. To encourage yourself
2. What is your motivation level?
A. Slacked off
B. Extremely Motivated
C. Need team to be motivated
D. Motivated when needed
3. Are you one of those who believe in luck?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. No
D. Never thought about it
4. From where do you get inspiration mostly?
A. Blogs
B. Nature Images
C. Great Leaders
D. Series
5. What are your goals irrespective of being an artist?
A. Earn Money
B. Earn fame
C. To enjoy life
D. To make others feel happy
6. Among the following who is your favorite artist?
A. Picasso
B. Van Gogh
C. Michaelangelo
D. Hayao Miyazaki
7. What sort of activities do you like in your school time?
A. Drama
B. Art
C. Band
D. Cooking
8. What is the best form of entertainment you like the most?
A. Books
B. Archaelogy
C. Movies
D. Creativity
9. How do you imagine your daily career life in the future?
A. Working in a room
B. Working with a supportive team
C. Working the way it is convenient
D. Working smartly
10. Among the following artwork which is your favorite?
A. Michelangelo's David
B. Great Wave off kanagawa
C. Starry Night
D. Birth Venus
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