Disney Kim Possible is the half-hour animated comedy-action-adventure series that premiered on the Disney channel in June 2002 and was one of the nominees last year for outstanding children Animated program until someone realized it at 6:30 pm debut made it ineligible for a daytime Emmy. Actually, Kim Possible is based on the school experience of the creator. The elements of action, adventure, drama, romance, and comedy motivate the people to face the evils of the world with great courage and boldness. There is no need to get fear from the criminals.
1. What area of your character would you like to improve most?
A. Health and wellbeing
B. Wealth and finance
C. Business and career
D. Relationships
2. What kind of nature you have?
A. Helpful
B. Dreadful
C. Quarrelsome
D. Stubborn
3. What is the biggest strength of your character?
A. Mother
B. Wife
C. Lucrative job
D. Loneliness
4. What is your biggest wish?
A. Lucrative job
B. Beautiful wife
C. Successful business
D. Live like a king
5. How do you deal with all the problems of life?
A. Deal with it on a personal level
B. Frightened
C. Solve the problem with immediate effect
D. Face it with boldness
6. How would you react when somebody insults you?
A. React with anger
B. Defend yourself with humour
C. Tell the authority
D. Regain composure
7. Which resists you to speak against injustice?
A. Rejection
B. Loss of status
C. Controversy
D. Loss of character
8. Which quality best describes your Personality?
A. Energetic
B. Creative
C. Adventurous
D. Coward
9. How do you take failure in your life?
A. Do not take it personal
B. Use failure as a way to improve
C. Recognize and accept your emotions
D. Lose your heart
10. Which Kim Possible character suits you most?
A. Kim Possible
B. Ron Stoppable
C. Rufus
D. Wade
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