Steven Universe is an American TV animated show. The main protagonist, Steven Universe, and other lively characters made an amazing show! Steven is half “Gem” and half-human. So, the show is a mix of Sci-fi and magic. Have you ever thought about which Steven Universe character are you? Take this entertainment quiz to find out which character your personality and artistic excellence resemble.
1. According to you, the most optimistic and positive expression of you is-
A. Free-spirited
B. Intelligence
C. Independence
D. Organized
2. Which is your weapon?
A. Giant robots
B. Shield
C. Spear
D. Whip
3. What is your favorite food?
A. Strawberry Jam
B. Cookie cat
C. Burrito
D. I don’t have any favorite food
4. What is your biggest fear?
A. Losing loved ones
B. Being alone
C. Failure
D. Not being respected
5. What is your favorite activity at the weekend?
A. Enjoying and eating out with friends
B. Playing volleyball
C. Relaxing on the couch and playing a video game
D. Practicing my hobby
6. What is your favorite animal from the below-
A. Lion Roar
B. Cat Steven
C. Dogs
D. I do not like animals
7. What type of music do you like?
A. Classic
B. I like every genre of music
C. Rock
D. Hip-hop
8. What is your facial expression while taking a selfie?
A. I pose like the boss
B. I pout
C. It’s a lot of smiles
D. Just be natural as normally I am
9. Do you enjoy reading?
A. Sometimes
B. Always
C. I never read books
D. No I do not like
10. Do you like breaking the rules?
A. No, I strictly follow rules
B. Yes, I like to break rules
C. Sometimes when I think they interfere
D. I often break rules
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