It is the year to get ‘Woke’ and identify racism as a real problem which the 2020 tv series has successfully portrayed comically. Keef waking up to racism and seeing inanimate objects talking is enough to crack us up but also makes us ‘woke’ as well. But are you ‘woke’ enough? Or are you still in denial like Keef was? Take the quiz to find out which character matches best with your personality.
1. What is your ethnicity?
A. White
B. Black
C. Asian
D. Other
2. What is your dream job?
A. Journalist
B. Artist
C. Teacher
D. Lawyer
3. If you witness a racial crime, you would _______?
A. Start screaming for help
B. Help the victim
C. Record it for evidence
D. Ignore and walk away
4. Do you trust the cops?
A. Yes
B. Mostly
C. Not anymore
D. Never trusted them
5. If your pen starts talking to you, you would?
A. Think it’s cool
B. Become friends
C. Freak out and scream
D. Make a video and become famous
6. How often do you ignore your problems?
A. As long as possible
B. Long enough to make it worst
C. Only sometimes
D. Very often
7. If your friend needed a wakeup call, you would ___, ____?
A. Do it yourself
B. Plan an intervention
C. Give him hints
D. Do nothing
8. How do you want to live your life?
A. Peacefully
B. Carefree
C. Having lots of adventures
D. Fighting for a cause
9. How would your friends describe you?
A. Funny
B. Radical
C. Romantic
D. Confused
10. What is your biggest flaw?
A. Being a push-over
B. Too eccentric
C. Too romantic
D. Over-critical
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