Quiz: How Much You Know About Recycling Of Electronic Waste?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 932 | Recent Updated: 21-Aug-2022
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E-waste is also increasing in the same proportion, As digitization is increasing in countries, The main factors of its origin include the changes in technology and the lifestyle of man. Computers and other related appliances and household appliances such as TVs, washing machines and fridges, and mobile phones and other related products, when out of use, are termed as e-waste. Environment and human health are affected. Health and pollution challenges are associated with waste; it is also a big cause for concern. Let's know more about Recycling Of e-waste.

Questions Excerpt

1. In the financial year, 2018-2019, approximately how many tons of e-waste was produced based on the sales figures of the companies?

A. About 71,215 tons

B. About 7,71,215 tons

C. About 7,771,215 tons

D. About 7,7771,215 tons

2. Which of the following toxic compound is found in e-waste?

A. Mercury

B. Cadmium

C. Lead

D. All of the above

3. Which is the most valuable part of a PC or TV?

A. Copper in the cathode yoke

B. Lead in the CRT

C. Circuit boards

D. All of the above

4. How are electronic west items dangerous for human health?

A. They leach toxic metals in landfills and into ground water.

B. Lead and mercury in components can cause metabolic changes in users

C. Both of the above

D. None of these

5. What does WEEE stand for?

A. Well Electrical and Electronic Equipment

B. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

C. Worke on Electrical and Electronic Equipment

D. None of these

6. Which is the correct way to recycle e-waste?

A. Give Back to Your Electronic Companies and Drop Off Points

B. Visit Civic Institutions

C. Donating Your Outdated Technology

D. All of the above

7. Why we have to recycle e-waste?

A. It reduce pollution

B. It reduce greenhouse gas emissions

C. It save resources

D. All of the above

8. What does (RRR) stand for e-west?

A. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

B. Rapper,Reuse, Recycle

C. Reduce, Reuse,Require

D. None of these

9. Which is the process of recycling CRT Monitors and Televisions?

A. Separation of Monitor Body and Cathode Ray Tube

B. Size reduction process

C. Metal Removal & Washing Line

D. All of the above

10. According to the Global E-Waste Monitor, 2017, how many million tonnes of e-waste does India generate every year?

A. 01 million metric tonnes

B. 02 million metric tonnes

C. 03 million metric tonnes

D. 04 million metric tonnes

11. According to the Global E-Waste Monitor, 2017, how many million tonnes of e-waste does the United States generate every year?

A. 45.7 million metric tonnes

B. 46.7 million metric tonnes

C. 44.7 million metric tonnes

D. 40.7 million metric tonnes

12. How to ensure our computer not generate e-waste?

A. First, we should never throw e-waste in the trash

B. Pass them on for reuse

C. Recycle them

D. All of the above


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