Solid Trivia Quiz! How Much You Know About Solid States Of Matter?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1507 | Recent Updated: 19-Oct-2019
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Solids are chemical substances that are divided on the basis of certain size, volume, high density, etc. In solids, atoms, molecules or ions are very close in size and density. Hence they cannot be easily suppressed ie they have high density. Solid-state is the most stable of the three states of matter. They have negligible properties of compressiveness, that is, they are not easily suppressed when they are pressed or it is not easy to change their volume and size by pressure. The intermolecular force is found to be very high in solids, that is, their particles are near and bound by high intermolecular force. Let's check yourself & take this ultimate solid quiz test.

Questions Excerpt

1. If the molecules in a substance are arranged in a tight, patterned kind of way, the matter must be in which state?

A. Evaporation

B. Liquid

C. Gas

D. Solid

2. The atoms in a diamond are arranged in a tight network. This makes them a very hard__________.

A. Form of the element oxygen & liquid

B. Form of the element graphite & solid

C. Form of the element carbon & solid

D. All of the above

3. Which is the term used to describe the phase change as a liquid becomes a solid?

A. Burning

B. Freezing

C. Face change

D. None of these

4. Amorphous solids is_______________.

A. Flexible at higher temperatures

B. Include glasses

C. Do not have specific melting points

D. All of the above

5. Which is generally the densest state of matter?

A. Liquid

B. Gas

C. Solid

D. None

6. In a face-centered cubic lattice, a unit cell is shared equally by how many unit cells?

A. 08 unit cells

B. 10 unit cells

C. 06 unit cells

D. 14 unit cells

7. Which of the following is the common name for the solid-state of water?

A. Rain

B. Steam

C. Ice

D. Liquid

8. In which of the following three states of matter are the particles the closest together?

A. Solid

B. Liquid

C. Gas

D. All of above

9. The fraction of total volume occupied by the atoms present in a simple cube is..

A. π /4

B. π /2

C. π /6

D. π /3

10. The appearance of color in solid alkali metal halides is generally due to.

A. F-centes

B. Schottky defect

C. Frenkel defect

D. All of above

11. Solid discover by whom?

A. Philosopher Romo

B. Philosopher Cuto

C. Philosopher Plato

D. None of the above

12. In ______________, particles are closely packed.

A. Gas

B. Solid

C. Liquid

D. All of above


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