The Global Democracy Index is released by the Economic Intelligence Unit of the British institute 'The Economist Group'. This global list provides a blueprint for the current state of democracy in 165 independent countries and two regions. According to the report, the independence status of citizens of many countries has decreased in a year. This decline in the democratic list is due to the decline of civil liberties in the countries. This index is determined on the functioning of government, election process and pluralism, political participation, political culture and civil liberties. Let's take an awesome trivia quiz about Global Democracy Index 2019.
1. How is India ranked in the list of Global Democracy Index 2019?
A. 51 place
B. 61 place
C. 71 place
D. 81 place
2. What is the score by India in democracy index 2019?
A. 6
B. 6.8
C. 6.90
D. 6.99
3. Which country is the top of the world democracy index 2019?
A. Norwegian
B. Chinese
C. United States
D. North Korea
4. Which country is the last of the world democracy index 2019?
A. Pakistan
B. North Korea
C. Bangladesh
D. Bhutan
5. India is included in a ____________ democracy.
A. Flawed democracy
B. Total democracy
C. Hybrid government
D. None of these
6. Which the following is category of democracy?
A. Flawed democracy
B. Total democracy
C. Hybrid government
D. All of the above
7. Which list is scored more than 8 in the Global Democracy Index?
A. Flawed democracy
B. Total democracy
C. Hybrid government
D. None of these
8. China is at what number position in 2019 with 2.26 points?
A. 155th
B. 153th
C. 150th
D. 63th
9. What is the position of Russia in world democracy index 2019?
A. 134th
B. 135th
C. 136th
D. 137th
10. What is the position of Pakistan in world democracy index 2019?
A. 100th
B. 105th
C. 108th
D. 110th
11. What is the position of Bangladesh in world democracy index 2019?
A. 50th
B. 60th
C. 70th
D. 80th
12. What is the position of North Korea in world democracy index 2019?
A. 160th
B. 165th
C. 167th
D. 169th
13. How many points has India drop in the democracy index 2019?
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
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