Various hardware components that make up a computer system can be divided into three categories, input device, an output device, and components inside the CPU. Input devices, Data, and instruction must be entered into a computer system in order to carry out the various task the data entry task is carried out whether input devices. Microphone: Microphone is an input device which helps to capture sound into a computer. Recording your voice or another sound. The CPU executes instructions for running computer programs. RAM is responsible for the temporary storage of data while the computer operates. Let's know more about Hardware In Computer.
1. Joysticks are generally used for playing_______.
A. Audio game
B. Outdoor game
C. Video games
D. Indoor Game
2. A graphic tablet is an_______ device.
A. Output
B. Internal
C. Input
D. None of these
3. A barcode reader is a device used to read______.
A. Barcode
B. Pin code
C. Both of the above
D. None of these
4. A_______ is used to input sound into a computer.
A. Memory card
B. Sim card
C. Sound card
D. None of these
5. CDs are______ in shape.
A. Pentagon
B. Rectangular
C. Triangular
D. Circular
6. A light pen is connected to the______.
D. None of these
7. Which of the following devices lets do you draw objects on a computer monitor?
A. Processor
B. Video card
C. Keyboard
D. Mouse
8. Which types of memory are present on the motherboard?
A. Two types
B. Three types
C. Four types
D. None of these
9. What is the full form of CPU?
A. Semi Processing Unit
B. Central Processing Unit
C. Centre power unit
D. Centre Processing Unit
10. A Light pen is an _______ device.
A. Input
B. Output
C. Hard
D. Internal
11. MICR stands for what?
A. Magnetic inkjet, character reader
B. Magnet ink character reader
C. Magnetic ink character reader
D. Magnet inkjet character reader
12. What is a Graphic tablet?
A. Input device
B. Output device
C. Geographical device
D. None of these
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