Quiz: Test Your Knowledge About Sustainable Development Goals - SDG

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1604 | Recent Updated: 01-May-2020
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NITI Aayog has expressed concern in its Sustainable Development Goals India Index report that if states do not make significant progress, India will lag behind in achieving sustainable development targets in due time. NITI Aayog has started working closely with the backward states to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, enabling them to set up SDG monitoring systems as well as NITI Aayog to partner in building, capacity, knowledge and convergence of institutions Is also supporting them. The states of the North East performed poorly in achieving sustainable development goals. Let's take an awesome trivia quiz about Sustainable Development Goals-SDG.

Questions Excerpt

1. Based on the score, what is said when the SDG India index score is equal to 100?

A. Front Runner

B. Achiever

C. Both of the above

D. None of these

2. With whom is the comprehensive capacity building program being made by the United Nations system?

A. States

B. Union territories

C. Local governments

D. All of the above

3. In which field is there still more women participation?

A. Agricultural sector

B. Textile sector

C. Coal mines sector

D. Business sector

4. Currently, how much % participation is there in women's manpower?

A. 7.50%

B. 17.5%

C. 27.50%

D. 37.50%

5. There are still many problems in the field of achieving gender equality, which are?

A. Decreased participation of women in manpower

B. Gender gaps even in the case of salary in the country

C. Lack of data related to gender equality in various fields

D. All of the above

6. How much % is the difference between the salaries of men and the salary of women in different areas?

A. 10-15%

B. 25-75%

C. 50-75%

D. 50-60%

7. What is a government think tank called?

A. NITI Aayog

B. Sustainable Development Goals

C. Ministry of Education

D. Ministry of law affairs

8. According to the SDG report, there has been an ______________ in crimes against women.

A. Decreasing

B. Increase

C. Constant

D. All of the above

9. On the basis of score , what is said when SDG India Index score is less than 100 but greater than or equal to 65?

A. Aspirant

B. Performer

C. Front Runner

D. None of these

10. In SDG index Kerala tops the list followed by...

A. Himachal

B. Tamil Nadu

C. Andhra Pradesh

D. All of the above

11. Which is the first place in the list of union territories?

A. Chandigarh

B. Ladakh

C. Puducherry

D. Jammu and Kashmir

12. NITI Aayog’s Index 2019-20 covers _____________ Sustainable Development Goals.

A. 10 SDG Goals

B. 14 SDG Goals

C. 16 SDG Goals

D. 18 SDG Goals


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