Do you also like to watch television shows for your fun? Are you also a fan of old classics? Do you feel that the quality shared over it is unmatched? If yes, then you must be aware of the most amazing television series, MASH? How much do you think you know about MASH? If given some questions, do you think you have enough intellect to answer the questions about the classic sitcom? For all the MASH lovers we present a very The Ultimate MASH Trivia Quiz. If you are confused about your score for the quiz, then this is the right time for you to end the confusion!
1. How many episodes does MASH have?
A. 242
B. 278
C. 256
D. 300
2. How many seasons does MASH have?
A. 20
B. 16
C. 7
D. 11
3. What is the full form of MASH?
A. Mobile Automobile Survey House
B. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
C. Motor Army Survey Home
D. None of the above
4. When was the first episode of MASH released?
A. 17 September, 1972
B. 21 December, 1975
C. 6 February, 1980
D. 16 January, 1972
5. Who is the writer of the show?
A. Alan Alda
B. Mike Farrell
C. McLean Stevenson
D. All of the above
6. When was the last episode of MASH released?
A. 16 May, 1985
B. 28 February, 1983
C. 24 October, 1982
D. 12 August, 1990
7. WHo was originally offered the main role?
A. Havid Frost
B. Robert Klein
C. David Hodder
D. James Bond
8. On whose death fans didn't react well?
A. Robert
B. David
C. Henry
D. James
9. Who was only supposed to appear in one episode?
A. Maxwell Klinger
B. Henry
C. Robert
D. james
10. How many Korean actors did the show have?
A. 7
B. 16
C. 9
D. 1
11. Which episode of MASH broke all the viewership records?
A. First
B. Finale
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
12. Who drafted the pilot in only 2 days?
A. Lary Gelbart
B. Henry
C. Robert
D. James
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