Telescope And Optical Instruments Trivia Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 879 | Recent Updated: 02-Feb-2023
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That day in 1608 became special in the world of science when Hans was trying to see a distant object clearly with the help of two lenses of glass. At that time, he placed the two lenses at the right distance parallel to each other and found that by doing this the distant objects were clearly visible. The telescope discovered by Hans Lippersche was correctly used in 1609 by the great Italian scientist Galileo Galilei, who rebuilt the device and used it for the first time in observing astronomical events. Galileo's telescope was the refractive telescope. Lenses are used in such telescopes. With the help of this telescope, Galileo found out about the moon's crater, the four satellites, and the solar spots of the planet Jupiter in the year 1610, Galileo also wrote his book 'The Messenger of the Stars' based on his great discoveries. Let's check yourself with Telescope And Optical Instruments trivia quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which one of the father of science?

A. Newton

B. Galileo Galilei

C. Hans Lippershey

D. All of above

2. What do we call the lens in a telescope that spreads out the light across the retina of your eye?

A. Objective lens

B. Mirror lens

C. Eyepiece

D. Convex lens

3. What is the magnification of a telescope?

A. How much light it can gather

B. How much energy it generates

C. How long it takes to focus

D. How much larger it can make objects appear

4. The larger the ________, the more light a telescope can gather.

A. Mirror

B. Eyepiece

C. Aperture

D. Magnification

5. What type of telescopes uses mirrors to focus the light of the image?

A. Multimedia telescope

B. Reflecting telescopes

C. Refracting telescopes

D. None of these

6. What type of telescopes uses lenses to magnify the image?

A. Reflecting telescopes

B. Refracting telescopes

C. Both of above

D. None of above

7. Where is located the biggest telescope in Asia?

A. China

B. Japan

C. India

D. Afghanistan

8. Which famous scientist invented the 'Reflecting Telescope'?

A. Aristotle

B. Albert Einstein

C. Isaac Newton

D. All of above

9. Where are most observatories with large telescopes built?

A. On small islands

B. On mountaintops

C. At sea level near the ocean

D. All of above

10. What famous scientist first used the telescope for astronomy?

A. Albert Einstein

B. Aristotle

C. Thomas Edison

D. Galileo

11. What telescope was put into outer space in 1990?

A. Hubble Space Telescope

B. Apollo telescope

C. Gemini telescope

D. None of these

12. These are the 2.01 meter optical-infrared Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) located in which area in India?

A. Kavalur

B. Leh in Ladakh

C. Udaipur

D. Nainital


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