UNESCO is a unit of the United Nations, its establishment aims to promote international peace, development, and relations through the promotion of education, culture, and science. More members joined UNESCO after World War II. Japan became a member of 1951 and the Federal Republic of Germany in 1953. Spain received membership in 1953. The Cold War and the end of the colonies and the breakup of the USSR also impacted UNESCO. The USSR also became part of UNESCO in 1954. In 1992, the Russian Federation became a member of the UNESCO in place of the USSR along with 12 former Soviet republics. Let's take an awesome quiz about UNESCO.
1. On 16 November __________, UNESCO was established.
A. 16 November 1945
B. 16 November 1947
C. 16 November 1948
D. 16 November 1958
2. How many international days are celebrated under the auspices of UNESCO?
A. 08 International days
B. 40 International days
C. 39 International days
D. 41 International days
3. In how many years does the UNESCO have a general assembly that includes all UNESCO member countries and observer countries?
A. 01 years
B. 02 years
C. 04 years
D. 03 years
4. The first UNESCO World Heritage Site is ______________ in Ecuador.
A. Sangay National Park
B. Carcassonne
C. Galapagos Island
D. Quito
5. What is no if UNESCO world heritage sites in America?
A. 32 heritage sites
B. 32 heritage sites
C. 60 heritage sites
D. 85 heritage sites
6. What is the name of the country that has the most number of Unesco World Heritage Site?
A. United States
B. China
C. India
D. Japan
7. The world heritage list of sites was first inscribed in which year?
A. In 1978
B. In 1949
C. In 1958
D. In 1981
8. Which is the UNESCO world heritage sites in France?
A. Carcassonne
B. Avignon
C. Loire Valley
D. All of the above
9. Which one is the Natural World Heritage sites of the following?
A. Avignon
B. Machu Picchu
C. Loire Valley
D. None of the above
10. Membership of UNESCO is governed by which articles?
A. Articles III and XV
B. Articles II and XV
C. Articles I and XV
D. Articles IV and XV
11. Which is the US heritage site adding by UNESCO firstly?
A. Yellowstone National Park
B. Galapagos Islands
C. Island of Goree
D. All of the above
12. How many multi-part heritage sites located in the US?
A. 05 site
B. 21 site
C. 03 site
D. 07 site
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