Quiz: How Much You Know About Fertilization?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1512 | Recent Updated: 25-Apr-2020
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Fertilization is the fusion of male and female gametes to form the zygote. It is highly species-specific. The type of fertilization varies in different animals but the basic facts remain the same. Basically there are two types of fertilization first one is external fertilization another one is internal fertilization. External fertilization usually occurs in all aquatic animals and it takes place outside the body of the parents. In internal fertilization male deposit sperms during copulation either in the oviduct or into spermathecae of the female so that fertilization takes place inside the body of the female. So take the Fertilization quiz and increase your knowledge about fertilization.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is monospermic fertilization?

A. Fusion of egg more then one sperm

B. Fusion of egg with single sperm

C. No fusion of egg and sperm

D. None of the above

2. Which one of the following prevents polyspermy?

A. Fertilization cone

B. Jelly coat

C. Fertilization membrane

D. Tertiary membrane

3. Unfertilized ovum generally fails to divide because......

A. It has no centriole

B. It has only small nucleus

C. Its nucleus to cytoplasm ratio is stable

D. Number of Mitochondria are less so do not provide enough energy for division

4. The fusion of sperm and ovum pronuclei is......

A. Karyokinesis

B. Parthenogenesis

C. Oogenesis

D. Amphimixis

5. What is the name of the development method when the eggs of certain insects develop without fertilization?

A. Parthenogenesis

B. Amphimixis

C. Neotony

D. Amplexus

6. If the unfertilized egg is pricked with the help of microneedle it will......

A. Die immediately

B. Divide

C. Not affected

D. Remains undivided

7. Which path is followed by the male nucleus to fuse with female pronucleus?

A. Penetration path

B. Copulation path

C. Fertilization path

D. Capacitation path

8. When is the jelly deposited as a cover on the eggs of the frog?

A. In the water after fertilization

B. In the water during fertilization

C. In the water before fertilization

D. In the oviduct

9. Gray crescent is a part of.....

A. Zygote of chick

B. Zygote of frog

C. Retina in rabbit eye

D. Brain of mammals

10. In which of the following animals, fertilization is external?

A. Hen

B. Earthworm

C. Frog

D. Hydra

11. Which minerals are essential for the acrosomal reaction?

A. Potassium and sodium

B. Sodium and Calcium

C. Calcium and magnesium

D. Potassium and iron

12. What is the name of the region from where sperm enters into the egg?

A. Equator

B. Animal pole

C. Fertilization membrane

D. Receptor cone


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