Ultimate Trivia Quiz On Fossils

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1506 | Recent Updated: 30-Sep-2019
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These remains are found only in sedimentary rocks but sometimes they are also found in marshes, sand, and snow. Numerous fossils are buried beneath the surface. Mineral coal is an organized form of fossilized flora. Similarly, mineral oil is a modified form of old dead microorganisms. Fossils which are found only in the rock of a particular period are called index fossils. An impression of its environment is definitely found on any organism. Most fossils are formed under shallow water. The term archaeological science is made up of two words, 'Jiva' and 'Ashm'. Ash means stone. Thus, fossil means the organism which became a stone. In English, the fossil is called a fossil. 'Fossil' is a Latin word meaning 'digging ground'. In the beginning, the word fossil was used for all the substances that were dug out of the ground. These included minerals, man-made archaic tools, stones, and remains of ancient plants and animals. But gradually, the term fossil was confined only to the antiquities of plants and animals. These remains are found only in sedimentary rocks but sometimes they are also found in marshes, sand, and snow. Numerous fossils are buried beneath the surface. Some rocks such as limestone and chalk (chalk) are often made up of innumerable small fossils. Mineral coal is an organized form of fossilized flora. Take this Fossils trivia quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. The Lucy specimen is an early australopithecine and is dated to about ______________ years ago.

A. 3.3 million years

B. 3.5 million years

C. 3.2 million years

D. 3.0 million years

2. Why do scientists study fossils?

A. To determine how we can prevent erosion caused by humans

B. To determine the best way to efficiently farm food

C. To discover new ways of generating energy

D. To learn about the past history of life on Earth

3. Which of the following methods of fossil formation is formed by carbon residue?

A. Amber fossil

B. Carbonization

C. Casts and molds

D. None of these

4. Lucy" acquired her name from the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by the __________ __...

A. Beatles

B. American Rock star

C. Pitbull

D. All of above

5. Which of the following methods of fossil formation is formed in dry areas due to a lack of moisture?

A. Amber fossil

B. Carbonization

C. Casts and molds

D. Mummification

6. Which of the following methods of fossil formation has occurred in the glaciers of the Arctic?

A. Amber fossil

B. Carbonization

C. Casts and molds

D. Freezing

7. Which of the following methods of fossil formation is formed when minerals fill in the space left from a living organism?

A. Amber fossil

B. Carbonization

C. Casts and molds

D. All of above

8. Which of the following methods of fossil formation is formed when an organism is preserved in hardened tree sap?

A. Amber fossil

B. Carbonization

C. Casts and molds

D. None of these

9. Which of the following is an example of a body fossil?

A. Cast

B. Animal tracks

C. Impressions

D. Bones

10. Fossils are generally found inside of what type of rocks?

A. Metamorphic rocks

B. Igneous rocks

C. Sedimentary rocks

D. Meteorites

11. What type of scientists study fossils?

A. Physicists

B. Paleontologists

C. Biologists

D. No any one

12. From which area is the oldest fossil found so far?

A. Mount Everest

B. Greenland

C. South Africa

D. None of above


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