Quiz: How Much You Know About Gregor Mendel And Law Of Mendel?

Questions : 16 | Total Attempts: 904 | Recent Updated: 13-Sep-2020
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Gregor Johann Mendel was a great scientist and he was known as the father of genetics or modern genetics. Mendel performed various types of cross-breeding experiments and then allow the offspring to self breed. His first paper " Experiment on plant Hybridisation" was published in the fourth volume of "Annual proceeding of natural history society" of Brunn in 1866. His work remained neglected for a about 34 years due to Limited circulation of proceeding, his finding was ahead of his time, lack of aggressiveness to his personality, the scientific world was being rocked by Darwin theory of evolution at that time and he failed to reproduction the results in Hawkweed. Later on, in 1900, his work was rediscovered by Hugo de Vries, Correns and Tschemark. Corren formulated his work in different laws. So, take this quiz on Gregor Mendel and increase your knowledge about it.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who was proposed term Allele?

A. Morgan

B. Bateson

C. Johnnsen

D. Mendel

2. Which of the following is an exception to Mendele?

A. Purity of Gametes

B. Law of Dominance

C. Independent Assortment

D. Linkage

3. Mendel selected pea plant because......

A. It is annual plant

B. Flowers are self pollinated

C. The number of seeds produced are large

D. All of the above

4. Our skin color is one of the following traits.

A. Digenic

B. Trigenic

C. Pentagenic

D. Hexagenic

5. Pleiotropic gene has.....

A. Multiple genotype

B. Single genotype

C. Single phenotype

D. Multiple phenotype

6. The body features are .....

A. Phenotype

B. Genotype

C. Sex of the individual

D. Controlled by environment

7. Which one is an interaction of gene?

A. Recessiveness

B. Dominance

C. Epitasis

D. Pleiotropy

8. Organism phenotypically similar but genotypically different is due to.....

A. Heterozygosity

B. Monozygosity

C. Multizygosity

D. Homozygosity

9. Which Mendel's law is not applicable to all?

A. Dominance

B. Segregation

C. Independent assortment

D. Codominance

10. Heterosis is .....

A. Hybrid vigour

B. Hybrid weakness

C. Hybrid vigour and weakness

D. Cross between hybrid

11. Marriage between close relatives is avoided because it induces more .....

A. Blood group abnormalities

B. Multiple births

C. Mutations

D. Recessive allele to come together

12. In human, polygeny is not responsible for.....

A. Skin color

B. IQ level

C. Color blindness

D. Sickle cell anaemia

13. Intelligent Quotient of a person is a case of .....

A. Polygenic trait

B. Pleiotropism

C. Mendelian inheritance

D. Cytoplasmic inheritance

14. One out of the following character is autosomal recessive.

A. Color blindness

B. Blood group O

C. Near and far sighted

D. Blood group AB

15. Sex-linked recessive characters include......

A. Color blindness

B. Haemophilia

C. Congenital night blindness

D. All of the above

16. Which of the following character is dominant?

A. RH positive

B. Long hair

C. Green eyes

D. Dwarfism


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