Ultimate Trivia Quiz on Translation in Protein Synthesis

Questions : 8 | Total Attempts: 591 | Recent Updated: 19-Dec-2019
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The translation is the mechanism by which coded on mRNA changes to the actual polypeptide chain. It occurs on the ribosome. The different steps involved in translation are activation of amino acids, activation of the ribosome, chain initiation, chain elongation, translocation, chain termination and modification of released polypeptide. So take this quiz and increase your knowledge about translation.

Questions Excerpt

1. Activation of the amino acids occurs in the presence of......... And Mg+2 ions with the utilization of energy.

A. Protein

B. Ribosome

C. Enzyme

D. Polysome

2. Which one of the following acts as protein factories?

A. Chromosome

B. Lysosome

C. Mitochondria

D. Ribosome

3. Most of the time in prokaryotes, many ribosomes line up in a row on the same mRNA. This complex is called.......

A. Polyribosome

B. Polysome

C. Both of these

D. None of these

4. Ribosomes have how many binding sites in the largest subunit for trans?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

5. Which site of the ribosome holding the tRNA carrying the next amino acid that is to be added in the chain?

A. Peptidyl site

B. Amino acid acyl tRNA site

C. Exite side

D. None of these

6. Name the site of the ribosome from where tRNA leaves the ribosome?

A. P-site

B. A-site

C. E-site

D. All of these

7. The shifting of tRNA from A to P site is called translocation which occurs in the presence of enzyme.............

A. Translocation

B. Exopeptidases

C. Both of these

D. None of these

8. The correct folding up off polypeptide chain is done by........

A. Simple protein

B. Chaperon protein

C. Saturated protein

D. Unsaturated protein


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