There are several people who love to know or have some knowledge about spiritual activities and some knowledge about ghosts. Have you ever thought about some activities or researched about some activities? You might have ever been thinking what if you might also possess some spiritual abilities? You might be eager to know which Spiritual ability do you secretly possess? Have a look at this interesting quiz and you might find out if you too possess some spiritual abilities and if yes, which kind of abilities?
1. Have you ever had vibes off, strangers?
A. Frequently
B. Not really
C. Only if they are about to do something
D. Not at all
2. Have you ever experienced deja vu?
A. rarely
B. More than normal
C. Every Thursday
D. About average
3. On a scale of 1-10, how long would you have stuck in confrontations?
A. I usually find a way out before things get down
B. I sidestep them
C. Often
D. Not often
4. What can you tell about the outcomes of those confrontations?
A. I try to make it clear that I understand other party
B. I leave feeling bad
C. Usually, everyone calms down
D. I always know how it will turn out
5. Have you ever had this feeling what if you find things have fallen into place seemingly without any effort?
A. Not really
B. Sometimes
C. Never
D. All the time
6. Have you ever got this feeling when something is wrong with your known?
A. Always
B. Ocassionally
C. No
D. I'm good at that
7. Have you ever been right about someone getting an award?
A. Rarely
B. Always
C. I was nearly right
D. Sometimes
8. On a scale of 1-5, how good are you at comforting your family members if something goes wrong?
A. 5
B. 1
C. 3
D. 2.5
9. Have you ever felt like you have exerted a direct influence on things by just thinking about them?
A. Sometimes
B. Never
C. Not so much
D. All the time
10. Are you liked by people at your workplace?
A. I get along with everyone
B. I get good results
C. I'm the pacemaker
D. i;m the oddball
11. How good are you at calming the cry baby?
A. I can usually be some help
B. Nope
C. That's child's play
D. I can step in and helpful before things go bad
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