Peroxisomes are membrane bound microbodies consist of crytalline core surrounded with the dense matrix. They contain enzymes for peroxide biosynthesis. for example - for producing peroxide and for destroying peroxide, formed by the cell to kill the bacteria. Cilia and Flagella are semi-autonomous bodies arise from basal body. They present in ciliates, flame cells of earthworm, the epithelial lining of the respiratory tract, oviducts, renal tubules choanocytes of sponges, gastrodermis cells of coelenterates, unicellular algae, etc. It consists of double flagellar sheath enclosing microtubules. Microtubules form doublets connected with each other and also with the central sheath by means of radial spokes. Cilia and flagella help in locomotion. So take this quiz and increase your knowledge about Peroxisome, Cillia, and Flagella.
1. Who identified peroxisomes as cell organelle?
A. Englemann
B. Miller
C. Christian de Duve
D. Porter
2. Where peroxisomes are found?
A. Cytoplasm
B. Mitochondria
C. Golgi body
D. Ribosome
3. Peroxisomes detoxify the alcohol in the ______ by transferring H+ to oxygen.
A. Kidney
B. Liver
C. Lung
D. Heart
4. Which one is short and large in number?
A. Flagella
B. Cilia
C. Both are equal
D. Peroxisome
5. Cilia and flagella consist of double flagellar sheath enclosing microtubules showing _______ arrangement.
A. 9+0
B. 9+1
C. 9+3
D. 9+2
6. The bacterial flagellum consists of a single fibril composed of protein ...........
A. Actin
B. Flagellin
C. Collagen
D. Elastin
7. Cilia and Flagella do not help in .....
A. Locomotion
B. Capturing food
C. Blood circulation
D. Removing waste
8. Cilia of respiratory tract remove .........
A. Solid particles
B. Liquid particles
C. Gas particles
D. All of them
9. Cilia of _______ and ____ tract derive out urine and gametes.
A. Respiratory and Vaginal
B. Respiratory and Urinary
C. Urinary and Genital
D. Genital and Respiratory
10. Which one act as a sensory organelle?
A. Cilia
B. Flagella
C. Both of them
D. None of them
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