The evolution of life is a continuous biological process. There is a basic principle of evolution and different theories have been put forward to explain how evolution has occurred. Principles of evolution are evolution is a very complex, reversible, and extremely slow process, evolution is not always progressive, evolution proceeds at a different rate in a different kind of organism, evolution takes place more quickly at a certain time than at others, the new species are always better adapted than their ancestors, etc. The different theories of evolution are the theory of Inheritance of acquired characters, the theory of natural selection, the mutation theory of DE Vries, and the synthetic theory of evolution. Take the Principles And Theories Of Evolution quiz and know more about the principles and theories of evolution.
1. Who put forward the first theory of evolution?
A. Darwin
B. Lamarck
C. August Weizmann
D. Morgan
2. Instant speciation occurs due to......
A. Mutation
B. Hybridization
C. Natural selection
D. Isolation
3. Who has contributed the term survival of the fittest?
A. Darwin
B. Wallace
C. Spencer
D. Lamarck
4. Who regarded the Mutants as elementary species?
A. Darwin
B. Wallace
C. Malthus
D. Hugo De Vries
5. Which of the following postulate was not given by Darwin?
A. Rapid multiplication
B. Inheritance of acquired characters
C. Struggle for the existence
D. Inheritance of useful variation
6. Genetically related species that cannot interbreed are called.....
A. Allopatric species
B. Non sister species
C. Sibling species
D. Sympatric species
7. Mutations are responsible for......
A. Better adoption
B. Potential breeding
C. Unrecognisable variation
D. Distinct variation
8. What is genetic drift?
A. Interbreeding of genetically different individuals
B. Random change in gene frequency
C. Sudden change in the genotype
D. Orderly change in gene frequency
9. Reproductive isolation on the basis of differences in breeding Seasons is called.....
A. Psychic
B. Physiological
C. Ecological
D. Temporal
10. The study of industrial melanism was done on.....
A. Peppered moth
B. Locust
C. Lichens
D. Birds
11. Which one of the following is the most important type of isolation for speciation?
A. Temporal
B. Reproductive
C. Ethological
D. Geographical
12. Who believed that the disused organ makes it reduced?
A. Darwin
B. Hugo De Vries
C. Wallace
D. Lamarck
13. Which one of the following does not help in understanding evolution?
A. Genetic variation
B. Natural selection
C. Isolation
D. Embryogenesis
14. The unit of survival of the fittest is.....
A. Species
B. Population
C. Individual
D. Community
15. The antibiotic used in the replica plating experiment was...
A. Penicillin
B. Streptomycin
C. Erythromycin
D. None of these
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