Austin and Ally is an American comedy television show which was aired worldwide on Disney channel in the year 2011 and went on till 2016. The main characters of the show are: Ross Lynch in and as Austin Moon, Laura Marano as Ally Dawson, Raini Rodriguez as Trish who was Ally’s best friend and Calum Worthy as Dez. The series was created by Kevin Kopelow and Health Seifert, Rick Nyholm and Jeny Quine were the executive producers. The series has total four seasons and eighty-seven episodes. The running time of the show was 21-26 minutes. The series was officially premiered on December 2, 2011 whereas the first promo was released in October 2011. It had a total of fifty-four songs throughout the series. The opening anthem of the series was “Can’t Do It Without You”. The composer of the show were Rick Butler and Fred Rapoport. The series is set in Miami, Florida. The series focuses on the relationship between two different musicians in which one is highly extrovert and the other is complete introvert in nature. Later, Ally and Austin get married and have two children Alex and Ava.
1. What kind of a person are you?
A. Introvert
B. Extrovert
C. Somewhat extrovert
D. Ambivert
2. Which animal do you find are fake?
A. Zebras
B. Tiger
C. Panda
D. Kangaroo
3. What is your eye color?
A. Dark brown
B. Blue
C. Black
D. Green
4. How are your hair?
A. Curly
B. Straight
C. Wavy
D. Unusual
5. What would you love to do?
A. Write songs
B. Performing on stage
C. Being a celebrity manager
D. Be a director
6. How you want to work?
A. Flexible
B. Scheduled deadline
C. Heavy workload
D. Hourly
7. Have you stolen something ever?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Never been
D. I was not aware
8. How your friends describe you?
A. Strong
B. Shy
C. Selfish
D. Confident
9. Do past memories matter to you?
A. Yes, I love collecting memories
B. I don’t want to recall
C. I don’t want to talk about it
D. Some, not all
10. What is your hobby?
A. Writing
B. Playing Basketball
C. Dancing
D. Interacting with new people
11. What kind of a relationship is yours?
A. Love-trust
B. Love-complicated
C. One-sided
D. Not in a relationship
12. Are you affected by what others think about you?
A. Easily affected
B. Not really
C. Sometimes
D. I don’t care what they think
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