Dogs are considered as the best friends of human as they have the tendency of loyalty, faithfulness, and honesty with us i.e. the human beings. We can consider them more loyal to us than any other animal or can say in some situation they are even loyal to us more than any other human being around us.
1. What rate can be considered for you if it is about being workaholic?
A. Average
B. Starter
C. Addicted
D. Not interested
2. Do you like to play or not?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. No
D. Depends over the time
3. How frequently do you workout?
A. Daily
B. Casually
C. When Needed for any event
D. Do not workout
4. Do you consider yourself to be perfect?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Perfectionism differ from work to work
D. Focus to complete the work not over perfectionism
5. Which word describes your health appearance?
A. Slim
B. Healthy
C. Puffy Puffy
D. Changes with time and diet
6. Do people around you consider you to be loyal and faithful?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Perception differs from person to person
D. Never thought of it
7. Are you efficient enough to protect yourself and your loved ones around you?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes when know about danger at prior
C. No
D. Feel afraid to face it for others
8. Do small things affect your lifestyle?
A. Yes
B. Not so much
C. Never
D. Never noticed it
9. Do you compromise with your living?
A. Sometimes
B. Never
C. Yes, alomost always
D. Differs from situation to situation
10. Do your hairs fuss you up?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. When unwashed then
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