Gender is a socially constructed term. According to this person follows the rule that is fixed by society. In biological terms, sex is used to differentiate males and females. Sometimes you feel opposite to your biological character, people say they are tomboys or girly men. Due to this, some people get stressed about their gender and their role. So move away from your fixed general role & know what is your real gender. Let's take the What is Your True Gender Fun Quiz.
1. What kind of relationship do you want with your partner?
A. Long term
B. Lifetime
C. May be long term
D. Maybe long term
2. Which imaginative character do you like most?
A. Spider-Man
B. Super women
C. Iron Man
D. Super Lady
3. According to you, which thing is toughest?
A. Not fit in any group
B. Mood swings
C. Sexual issue
D. Explaining yourself
4. According to you which way is the best for showing your gender to people in the society?
A. By muscular body
B. By dressing sense
C. By my behavior
D. I don't know
5. Why do you feel that people don't understand you?
A. Because my thoughts doesn't match with the rule of society
B. Because my body doesn't match with my behaviour
C. Because i am not playing the role according to society
D. I can't explain it
6. Which explanation is most similar to you?
A. I like to be girly and fun
B. I loathe generalisations and am liberal
C. I have a blend of various genders of companions
D. I'm calm - yet individuals think little of me
7. When people use gendered pronouns (he/him, she/her, they/them), which set feels most comfortable for you?
A. He/Him
B. She/Her
C. They/Them
D. It depends on the situation
8. Imagine yourself in a perfect world. How do you see yourself presenting? (clothing, hairstyle, etc.)
A. Traditionally masculine
B. Traditionally feminine
C. Androgynous (a mix of both)
D. It doesn't matter to me
9. How do you feel about societal expectations associated with gender?
A. I embrace them and find comfort in following them
B. I find them restrictive and don't identify with them
C. I pick and choose what resonates with me
D. I don't think about them much
10. When characters in a story are described, do you find yourself subconsciously relating more to...?
A. Male characters
B. Female characters
C. Characters of all genders, depending on their personality
D. It doesn't matter
11. If you could choose any fictional character to embody for a day, who would it be (regardless of gender)?
A. A strong, heroic character (often associated with masculinity)
B. A nurturing, compassionate character (often associated with femininity)
C. A witty, intelligent character who breaks stereotypes
D. It depends on the character's personality, not their gender
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