You always crave a better future that’s why many of us wonder how it will be this year for them. Half of 2020 has passed coping and fighting with the covid19 epidemic, so you must be wondering how will be your remaining half year. Take this entertaining quiz below so that you can foresee what kind of year will you have briefly.
1. Do you have a list of goals you want to accomplish this year?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Have goals but not written it
D. Not sure
2. Are you expecting some big life changes this year?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Some minor changes only
D. Not sure
3. Any traveling plans this year?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I might travel not planned yet
D. Not sure
4. How are you going to celebrate your birthday this year?
A. Like any other day
B. Will throw a grand party
C. Will spend time with loved ones
D. None of these
5. How important is your family to you?
A. Very important
B. Somewhat important
C. Not important
D. Can’t Say
6. How important are friends and social life for you?
A. Very Important
B. Somewhat Important
C. Not important
D. Can’t Say
7. Are you a sports fan?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not much but watches tournaments
D. Not sure
8. What will you do on a holiday?
A. Play Games
B. Watch a show
C. Go for an outing
D. Nothing
9. What do you do on a New Year's eve?
A. Join Big Party
B. Small Gathering
C. Be yourself
D. None of these
10. How important is social media for you?
A. Very important
B. Somewhat important
C. Not important
D. Not sure
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