The Loud House is an animated television series about an 11-year-old boy named Lincoln Loud who lives with his ten sisters. The story revolves around how he and his best friend manage to live with such a huge family and find creative solutions for everyday problems. This show is widely watched and enjoyed especially among kids and thus their parents have no choice but to binge-watch it with them. If one happens to wonder which character of the show would best describe their personality, this quiz is made for them. Try it out by answering a few basic questions.
1. What word would you use to describe yourself?
A. Fun loving
B. Mysterious
C. Simple
D. Responsible
2. Suppose you were looking for an assistant, what qualities would you consider most important?
A. Loyalty
B. Honesty
C. Cunning
D. Looks
3. What is your hair colour?
A. Black
B. Red
C. Blonde
D. Other
4. How many languages can you speak or understand?
A. One
B. Two to three
C. Four to five
D. More than five
5. What is your favourite food?
A. Pizza
B. Hamburger
C. Kimchi
D. Lasagna
6. Which is your most favourite genre in online games?
A. Battlegrounds
B. Fashion
C. Role play
D. Arcade
7. What are you seen doing at parties?
A. Drinking a lot
B. Dancing in the corner
C. Socialising and talking to people
D. Sitting alone pretending to use my phone
8. What do you do in your free time?
A. Sing
B. Dance
C. Read
D. Watch movies
9. Suppose one of your friends has her birthday party tomorrow, what gift would you buy for her?
A. A beautiful dress
B. Her favourite chocolates
C. Something expensive
D. I don't know, maybe ask her what she wants and buy that
10. How long do you watch TV in a day?
A. I don't watch
B. One to two hours
C. Three to four hours
D. Five or more hours
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