Every person needs some best neighbors for them that will be like friends for them. Getting a perfect neighbor for you is always a dream for every person. There are different types of neighbors a person has managed to get. Have you ever wondered according to your personality what type of neighbor will suit you? For different types of people, there are different neighbors some decent, some exciting, and some weird personalities. You might be eager to know What Neighborhood Is Best For You? Try out this quiz and get your answers!!
1. What is your personality?
A. Generous
B. Adventurous
C. Quirky
D. Smart
2. What kind of pets do you like?
A. Exotics
B. Pure bred
C. Rescue from shelter
D. I don't like pets
3. Pick your favorite dinner?
A. Ramen Noodles
B. A Slice
C. Free Range Chicken
D. Basque Cuisine
4. How will your friends describe you as?
A. Radical
B. Elegant
C. Responsible
D. Ambitious
5. Pick your favorite book?
A. Goodnight Moon
B. Architectural Design
C. Things That Matter
D. Only Comic books
6. Where do you mostly spend your weekends?
A. At home
B. Partying
C. Work
D. With my partner
7. How much time do you spend online?
A. Few hours at night
B. Every time on phone
C. Ocassionally
D. 4-5 hours daily
8. Pick the last time you visited a doctor?
A. A few days back
B. I have never gone to a doctor
C. 6 days back
D. Been 3 months
9. What is a life-changing mistake for you?
A. Leaving college in between
B. Painting living room black
C. Chose the wrong partner
D. Left my job
10. Pick your favorite exercise?
A. Pilates
B. Yoga
C. Zumba
D. Squats
11. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A. Introvert
B. Extrovert
C. Happy medium between the two
D. Depends on person
12. On a scale of 1-10, how much socially awkward you are?
A. 10
B. 8
C. 5
D. 2
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