Death is the ultimate mystery. We may not know when and how will you die, but one day we all will surely experience it. Thanks to medical science that has increased life expectancy in recent years. Have you ever thought of calculating when you are going to die? Take this fun quiz and know your life expectancy now! However, it cannot read the future and is purely for entertainment purposes.
1. Male or female?
A. Male
B. Female
C. Others
D. Don’t want to reveal
2. What is your age?
A. 15-20 years
B. 21-30 years
C. 31-40 years
D. 40+ years
3. How do you weigh?
A. Overweight
B. Underweight
C. My weight is just right
D. Not checked
4. What are your eating habits?
A. I have a balanced diet low in saturated fat with low sugar and less salt
B. My diet has low fats and without fresh fruits and green vegetables
C. High fatty and sugary food with more salt, occasionally fruits
D. My diet mainly includes fatty snacks, fried fast food, and cola
5. Do you smoke?
A. Yes, I am a chain smoker
B. Never
C. Yes, only socially
D. Yes, Herbal cigarettes
6. How many times do you consume alcohol in a week?
A. Once
B. Twice
C. Not sure
D. I don’t drink
7. Are you suffering from any of the following ailments?
A. High BP
B. Low BP
C. Diabetes
D. Insomnia
8. What type of work do you do?
A. I am a software developer
B. I am a traveler
C. I am an athlete
D. I am a student
9. What is your exercise routine?
A. I exercise daily
B. Thrice a week
C. I rarely exercise
D. I don’t exercise
10. You live in which area of the U.S.?
A. Northeast
B. Southeast
C. Midwest
D. Southwest
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