There are millions of television shows that we see and adore a lot. One such show that we all must have admired is Owl House, an animated fantasy show. If you are a fan of the show, you must be knowing about the covens in the show. Covens are basically a group or a community of witches, somewhat like an affinity group. Have you ever thought about what type of coven you might be based on your personality? Try out this very interesting quiz to see Which Coven Are You in From The Owl House by giving the answers to some questions?
1. What is your personality?
A. Generous
B. Adventurous
C. Quirky
D. Smart
2. How often do you take the stress?
A. Often
B. Very Often
C. Rarely
D. Somewhat
3. How will your friends describe you?
A. Free Spirit
B. Commanding
C. Artistic
D. Wise
4. What is your biggest flaw?
A. I can be selfish
B. I can be too bossy
C. I care too muc
D. I overthink too much
5. You've been challenged to a witch's duel! What's your course of action?
A. I use careful planning
B. Take them down with my powerful magic
C. Try to talk with them
D. Just do kill them
6. How often do you question the rules?
A. Rarely
B. Somewhat
C. Often
D. Very Often
7. Choose your job in a project?
A. I am the leader because no one steps up
B. I am the leader because my ideas are amazing
C. I am the thinker
D. I am just lazy
8. Which one are you?
A. Extrovert
B. Introvert
C. Extroverted Introvert
D. Introverted Extrovert
9. Choose your favorite Hogwarts house?
A. Gryffindor
B. Hufflepuff
C. Ravenclaw
D. Slytherin
10. What are you most excited about in your witch training?
A. New Friends
B. Become a strong witch
C. To be able to help people
D. To show off my powers
11. Choose your favorite character?
A. Luz
B. Eda
C. King
D. Willow
12. Do you have an interest in reading books of magical stories and witches?
A. Yes, ofcourse
B. Sometime i feel it
C. Its only for time pass
D. Not at all
13. According to you which coven is best?
A. Emperor coven
B. Abomination coven
C. Healing coven
D. Construction coven
14. How does your enemy describe you?
A. Proudy
B. Antagonist
C. Evil
D. Kind hearted
15. What's your age?
A. 35- 40
B. 20-25
C. 15-20
D. 10-15
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