Disney is one of the best entertainment spots for millions of people. Disney shows are great animated shows that can grab your attention in no time. But are you aware which show should you watch according to your personality? Do you know if your traits and the shows you watch match the vibe? Well, you must be eager to know which show might suit you? Then you should really try this quiz and you will get the answers to the question Which Disney Show Should You Watch?
1. Do you prefer something like live-action or animation?
A. Purely animation
B. I am good with both
C. I like live action but if it's in animation I wouldn't mind either way
D. Whatever makes me happy
2. What is your personality?
A. Anxious
B. Happy
C. Extremely Passionate
D. Adventurous
3. Do you prefer watching something new or old?
A. Old ones are best
B. Fresh series increase your passion
C. Both will work
D. Any thing that makes me laugh
4. Do you like a family show?
A. Yes, they are love
B. Yeah, somewhat
C. No, they make me lose my interest
D. I am okay with them
5. Do you like to laugh or cry while watching?
A. Laugh a lot
B. I like both
C. I am not kinda them
D. Preferable laugh
6. How do your friends like your choice of shows?
A. They feel I need to improve
B. They too laugh with me
C. They somewhat like
D. They are neutral
7. Which genre is your favorite?
A. Comedy
B. Science
C. Family
D. None of these
8. Till what time do you watch things?
A. Unsure
B. Till the time I lose interest
C. When I get some work I stop
D. When my laugh stops
9. What time of the day do you watch shows?
A. Morning
B. Evening
C. Everytime
D. Night
10. Do you want the show should give some lessons?
A. Yeah, that laughing is best
B. I am quite happy if it does
C. I am okay even if it does not
D. Na, I am good without that
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