Modern Family is an American TV show that revolves around three families that meet on either a special occasion or on a vacation in order to cross family bonding. Are you a modern family fan person? Then this quiz is for you. Answer these simple questions and find out which character are you?
1. What kind of Dad would you be?
A. The strict one
B. The cool one
C. The reckless one
D. Will change according to the situation
2. Which of these do you think will scare you the most?
A. Getting stuck inside a closed lift
B. Seeing a wild Dog on a lonely street
C. Seeing a bunch of clowns at midnight
D. Driving a car for the first time
3. What kind of kid were you?
A. The notorious one
B. The shy one
C. Sweet and Cute one
D. The rebellious one
4. Would you ever want your kids to be like you?
A. Never in a million years
B. Yes, I should be their role model
C. Only in some aspects
D. I do not know about future
5. How is your relationship with your neighbors?
A. We aren’t on good terms
B. Our families often have good conversations
C. We don’t talk to them
D. There is no Bad Blood
6. Which of these artistic elements attract you the most?
A. Paint Colors
B. Crayons
C. Charcoal Stick
D. Dyes and Pigments
7. What is your behavior with a good-looking person of the opposite gender?
A. Flirty one
B. Shy one
C. Over-Smart one
D. Just trying to act normal
8. Have you ever got expelled from your school or college?
A. No, I was a very innocent child
B. I was on the verge of getting expelled a couple of time
C. Yes, a few time
D. Yes, but just once
9. Who is smarter?
A. My elder sibling
B. My younger sibling
C. I don’t have any siblings
D. I’m the smartest of all
10. Which of these is your favorite character from the ‘Modern Family’?
A. Alex
B. Luke
C. Haley
D. Claire
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