We all know about the story of She-Ra and The Princess of power. Set on the planet Etheria it follows the stories of Adora and Catra, orphans who were raised to be soldiers in the Horde. They are part of an evil army led by Hordak, a tyrannical despot who dreams of conquering the planet. But have you ever wondered which character do you resemble in this story? Don’t worry we have got you covered attempt this quiz to find out.
1. Do you try to grasp as much information as you can when you study something?
A. I don’t study
B. I try to
C. Yes, it is fun
D. Depends on what I am studying
2. If someone tells you that they want your help t with an assignment. What do you do?
A. Ignore him
B. Help him
C. Runaway
D. Tell him to get lost
3. Do you have a lot of social interaction in a single day?
A. I avoid people
B. I don’t count
C. I am anxious around people
D. Sometimes
4. Do you think you are an organized person?
A. I am a mess
B. Sometimes
C. Yes, I am
D. I try to be
5. If your friend is in a need of some financial help will you help him?
A. I am not a bank
B. Maybe
C. Depends on who is asking
D. Yes, sure
6. Have you captained a sports team?
A. Every sport I play
B. Not at all
C. Sports suck!
D. Only once
7. Do you think you are optimistic?
A. Not at all
B. Sometimes
C. Depends on situation
D. Always
8. On a scale of 1-10, how diligently do you finish your work?
A. I try to do it as fast as I can
B. I try to do it carefully
C. The best I can
D. I don’t like to work
9. How well do you think you are at strategizing something?
A. Not at all
B. I like to follow
C. I love it
D. I don’t have times for it
10. If you were to judge a reality show can you do that?
A. I can easily find people’s talent
B. It’ll tough for me
C. I can try
D. I am pathetic identifying people’s talent
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