If you don't have haters, you're doing it wrong - You must have heard of this quote before, and it's time that you believe it to every marrow of your bone. It's absolutely true that if you're doing something big in life, people will be jealous of you. It will make them hate you, they'll sometimes try to pull you down just to see you reach their level. Chances are that you probably already know that many people don't like you and that's what made you land on this quiz. If the reason for their hate is still unknown to you, we're here to help. Take this quiz honestly to find out why your haters hate you.
1. Do you forgive people who hurt you?
A. Yes, I don't hold grudges with anyone
B. Yes, only if they're my close friends
C. I forgive them but never forget
D. I don't even consider giving them a chance
2. Which kind of friend are you?
A. Super chatty
B. Talks only to close friends
C. Mostly quiet
D. I don't have any friends
3. How many friends in a group are perfect to hang out with?
A. At Least 10
B. 3-9
C. Just a couple friends are enough
D. I like to hangout solo
4. How often do you hang out?
A. Everyday
B. Thrice a week
C. Once a week
D. Rarely
5. Which trait defines you the best?
A. Witty
B. Intellectual
C. Beautiful
D. Talented
6. What about you is most appreciated by your friends?
A. Character
B. Helpfulness
C. Supportive nature
D. Money
7. Do people gossip about you?
A. All the time, that's what other say
B. Mostly, and I always get to know
C. Sometimes
D. Rarely
8. Which of the following do you have?
A. Good grades
B. Fashionable clothing
C. Both
D. None of the Above
9. How do most people behave with you?
A. They're all jealous of me
B. They just try to be friends with me
C. They ignore me all the time
D. They don't even know I exist
10. With whom do you argue with the most?
A. Friends
B. Family
C. Strangers
D. Nobody
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