World AIDS Day Trivia Quiz! Test Your Knowledge About World AIDS Day Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 931 | Recent Updated: 01-Dec-2019
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The aim of celebrating World AIDS Day is to raise awareness among people of all ages about AIDS, an epidemic caused by HIV infection. AIDS is one of the biggest health problems in the current era. According to the report of UNICEF, 36.9 million people have fallen prey to HIV. Whereas according to the data released by the Government of India, the number of HIV patients in India is said to be around 2.1 million. In the early days, World AIDS Day was seen to be related only to children and youth. Whereas HIV infection can affect a person of any age. After that, in 1996, the United Nations on HIV/AID (UNAIDS), while handling its promotion and dissemination globally, did a lot of work on communication, prevention and education under the World AIDS Campaign in 1997. Let's take a trivia quiz on World AIDS Day.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who first started celebrating World AIDS Day globally?

A. James W. Bunn

B. Thomas Netter

C. Both of the above

D. None of these

2. When was the WHO first started to celebrate World AIDS Day globally?

A. In August 1987

B. In August 1967

C. In August 1997

D. In August 1977

3. HIV is a serious illness resulting from a fatal infection. What is called in the medical language?

A. Health Immunodeficiency Virus

B. Human Immunodeficiency Virus

C. Highly Immunodeficiency Virus

D. Hazard Immunodeficiency Virus

4. Whereas people know it as AIDS in common parlance ie ______________.

A. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

B. Immune Deficiency Syndrome

C. Both of above

D. None of these

5. What are the benefits of HIV treatment?

A. It prevents sickness and gives you a normal life expectancy

B. It suppresses the virus so that you can’t pass it on

C. Both of the above

D. None of these

6. In which year was the theme of World AIDS Day 'Know your situation'?

A. Year's in 2017

B. Year's in 2015

C. Year's in 2018

D. Year's in 2010

7. World AIDS Day occurs every _______________ to spread the word about how HIV can be prevented.

A. December 1

B. January 31

C. July 1

D. September 4

8. If you talk about the theme of World AIDS Day 2019, then this year's theme is...

A. My Health, My Right

B. Getting to Zero

C. Universal Access & Human Rights

D. Communities Make the Difference

9. When was the first AIDS Day observed?

A. In 1988

B. In 2010

C. In 1996

D. In 2000

10. How often should you get tested for HIV if you are sexually active?

A. At least once a year

B. Every four weeks

C. You don’t need to test for HIV unless you're at high-risk.

D. All of above

11. HIV destroys certain cells in the body, called CD4+, that are important in _______________.

A. Sending messages in the brain

B. Fighting germs and diseases

C. Preventing addiction

D. Maintaining one’s memory

12. The name of the treatment regimen commonly used to treat HIV/AIDS is ________________.

A. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

B. Highly active antiretroviral therapy

C. Antibiotics

D. All of the above


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