Do you know yourself, who are you, what is your goal, and what is your real inner feeling? Have you felt you are alone, none is caring yours, no one is with you? Or, do you feel, you are unsuccess, loser and useless? If you are able to answers these questions then try this Bipolar Disorder Test Quiz! Test Yourself with Bipolar Depression Quiz & test yourself. All the best. Hey, friends just wait, this test is only for fun, do not take seriously.
1. What do you think when you are in a bad mood?
A. Anything which I do not like
B. Certain colors which I do not like
C. You don’t know
D. Something that you can explain
2. What things make you sad most of the time?
A. Sad things, like my bad time
B. You don’t know because it just happens out of the blue
C. You are under medication
D. No comments
3. Do you believe in long-time friends?
A. Off course, yes.
B. You used to but not anymore
C. Not really
D. You don’t really have friends like that
4. Do you think people do not like you?
A. I think, yes
B. I think, no
C. It’s possible, but you are not sure
D. Maybe
5. Have you ever felt a bad time with your siblings?
A. Yes, all the time
B. Yes, sometimes
C. Not at all
D. I think, most of the time
6. Do you often feel, your society is against you?
A. Definitely, yes
B. I think, sometimes
C. Definitely, no
D. It happens but not all the time
7. Do you feel, you have a hard time?
A. Yes, most of the time
B. I think, sometimes
C. I think, no
D. Most of the time
8. Do you feel you are short-tempered?
A. Yes, but not always
B. Not too much
C. Maybe, yes
D. Maybe, no
9. Do you fear that you are going away from society?
A. Yes, I feel sometime
B. Yes, but now always
C. I don’t know
D. No, comment
10. Do you feel medicine will help your mood swings?
A. Yes, medicine will help
B. You used to but not anymore
C. Not yet, but you may need to
D. Not at all.
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