Memory is a complicated thing, isn’t it? Some people have a photographic memory and some struggle just to remember what they ate last night. It all depends on how active your brain is and sometimes on genetics. How much and how long can you memorize clearly? Does your brain function higher than others? Take this quiz to find out how good is your memory.
1. How old are you?
A. 1-12
B. 13-19
C. 20-40
D. Above 40
2. What is your profession?
A. Still in school
B. Business owner
C. Lawyer
D. Retired
3. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
A. Pancakes with maple syrup
B. English muffins, I think
C. Either coffee or nothing
D. I don’t remember
4. Do you remember what you did last summer?
A. Of course
B. Of course
C. Not sure
D. No
5. What was the name of your childhood pet?
A. Spots
B. Which one? I had many
C. Maybe Goldy, not sure
D. I don’t remember
6. How do your friends describe you?
A. Smart
B. Hard-working
C. Funny
D. Forgetful
7. Do you get into trouble for forgetting birthdays/anniversaries?
A. No
B. Maybe once or twice
C. Sometimes
D. Always
8. What is your favorite subject in school?
A. Math
B. Biology
C. English
D. Sports
9. If you ever saw a criminal, would you be able to describe him to the cops?
A. Absolutely
B. I think so
C. Not sure
D. No
10. Do you forget to do regular chores?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Only the unimportant ones
D. Never
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