Best Disease Quizzes Online

Are you looking for the best Disease quizzes online? You can get here more than 33 Disease quizzes with almost 59178 played. Let's play a Disease quiz.
Neurodiversity Test: Do You Know About Neurodivergent?

Neurodiversity Test: Do You Know About Neurodivergent?

Neurodiversity” is a popular term used to describe differences in how people's brains work and understand human brain function and mental illness. It argues that diversity in human cognition is normal and that some conditions classified as mental dis
Do I Have A Stress Fracture Quiz? Self-Assessment Test

Do I Have A Stress Fracture Quiz? Self-Assessment Test

A stress fracture is a type of injury that occurs in a bone due to reactive stress and strain. It is like a small crack or fracture in a bone. This kind of fracture is often with activities like running, jumping, dancing, or high-intensity training.
World Mosquito Day Quiz: How Much You Know About World Mosquito Day?

World Mosquito Day Quiz: How Much You Know About World Mosquito Day?

World Mosquito Day is an annual event that is observed around the world in the month of August, World Mosquito Day was created to honor the discovery made of the link between humans, malaria, and mosquitoes. The purpose of this day is to raise awaren
Am I Overweight For My Age Quiz

Am I Overweight For My Age Quiz

Health and fitness are incredibly vital aspects that greatly affect our mental and physical strength. We all wish we could have a perfect figure like a model or celebrity who can wear any clothing style anywhere. Our belly fat, however, is one of the
Fungal Disease Quiz: How Much You Know About Fungal Disease?

Fungal Disease Quiz: How Much You Know About Fungal Disease?

Fungal infections are very common to be found all over the world. In humans, fungal infection occurs when an external fungus takes over a particular part of the body and the body's immune system is not able to deal with it. The fungus can live anywhe
Coronavirus And Its Effects Or Wave Quiz

Coronavirus And Its Effects Or Wave Quiz

The new variant of the coronavirus i.e. SARS-CoV-2 is mutating from the beginning. Many variants have come so far, it has also been told that it is getting powerful already. Some variants are more lethal, some are only faster in infection and are sim
Cardiovascular System Quiz: How Much You Know About Cardiovascular System?

Cardiovascular System Quiz: How Much You Know About Cardiovascular System?

We all know how our bodies have to fight against several diseases internally so that we all can be beautiful ourselves externally. One of the systems in our body that is supposed to fight a lot is the cardiovascular system which includes the main fun
Which Phobia Do I Have Quiz

Which Phobia Do I Have Quiz

Phobia is an extreme amount of unreasonable or irrational fear that a person experiences when exposed to the different sources of their fears. These sources could be situations, objects, or places. A phobia is usually connected to something specific.
New Model of SARS-CoV-2 Trivia Quiz

New Model of SARS-CoV-2 Trivia Quiz

A new model of SARS-CoV-2 has emerged in many countries. The latest research has indicated that the virus is mutating rapidly in its state, which may neutralize the currently available vaccines for COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 is a virus responsible for a di
COVID-19 Performance Index 2021 Quiz

COVID-19 Performance Index 2021 Quiz

The COVID-19 performance index by the Australian think tank is compiled by the Sydney-based Lowy Institute, an Australian think tank. This index measured countries' response to the epidemic. The impact of geography, political systems, and economic de
Gonorrhea Quiz: How Much You Know About Gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea Quiz: How Much You Know About Gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is an infectious disease that is spread through sexual contact with another person. It affects male and female both. The most affected parts by gonorrhea in the male is the urethra, rectum, or throat. Gonorrhea infects the cervix of the fem
Nail Disorder Quiz: How Much You Know About Nail Disorder?

Nail Disorder Quiz: How Much You Know About Nail Disorder?

Nail disorder or disease is basically deformity of the nail. Nail is the hard structure produced by the skin and different conditions of the nail show the medical condition of the person. Nail condition can be classified on the basis of pliability, s
Quiz: How Sick I Am?

Quiz: How Sick I Am?

When there is a feeling under the weather, we often think to ourselves “I can make it harder, there is no need to include a doctor”, but if you feel unsure whether you should see a professional or not, it's “HOW SICK AM I”?
Quiz: How Constipated Am I?

Quiz: How Constipated Am I?

For each and every person health is the main point to be kept in mind while thinking about any risk. One health problem that has taken a lot of people in its quagmire is Constipation. Much common disease among adults, children as well as old age peop
Quiz: How Much You Know About Hematuria?

Quiz: How Much You Know About Hematuria?

Hematuria is a medical condition in which blood is present in the urine of the person. There are two types of hematuria one is gross hematuria and another one is microscopic hematuria. Blood in the urine is not always a symptom of this disease. So ta
Quiz: What Autoimmune Disease Do I Have?

Quiz: What Autoimmune Disease Do I Have?

For any person, health is the utmost priority either of them or their family. In this advancing era, there are several miracles over the health industry but still, there are several diseases that are still not really well cured by technology are Auto
Quiz: What Kind Of Anxiety Do I Have?

Quiz: What Kind Of Anxiety Do I Have?

Everybody worries or gets the odd case of butterflies in the stomach. But are you missing out on opportunities and happiness because of fears and worries? Is anxiety interfering with your life? While moderate anxiety can be limiting, severe anxiety c
How To Tell If You Are Lactose Intolerant Quiz

How To Tell If You Are Lactose Intolerant Quiz

About 68% of the world’s population is intolerant towards lactose resulting in malabsorption. Consumption of dairy can often be problematic for those people. Lactose intolerance can be created because of various reasons. Lack of knowledge about intol
How Stressed Are You Quiz

How Stressed Are You Quiz

Stress is like an uninvited guest that appears any time in life. It affects mentally and physically. If the stress levels soar for a longer period it can be dangerous for health. Have you suddenly start eating more? Is stress draining the happiness f
How OCD Are You Quiz

How OCD Are You Quiz

Regular mental health screening keeps you safe from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). So, what is OCD? It is a learned behavior disorder that leads to unwanted thoughts and images or obsessions that drive some compulsions. It is a psychologically
Quiz: What Kind of Headache Do I Have?

Quiz: What Kind of Headache Do I Have?

Headaches are complex than you think. They may have variation in degree and types from mild to severe in Migraine. It is often confusing and in the absence of a proper diagnosis, it gets more difficult to treat. If you have a chronic headache or suff
Quiz: How Much You Know About Coronavirus Symptoms? COVID-19 Symptoms Quiz

Quiz: How Much You Know About Coronavirus Symptoms? COVID-19 Symptoms Quiz

Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is one of the most spread diseases across the world, leading the world to enter into a global pandemic. Coronavirus has affected a total of 21,73,432 people across the world leading to 1,46,291 deaths across the world.
Stages Of Corona Virus Infection COVID 19 Trivia Quiz Questions and Answers

Stages Of Corona Virus Infection COVID 19 Trivia Quiz Questions and Answers

The rapid spread of coronavirus has caused an uproar all over the world. This can be gauged from the fact that till now more than 1.6 million people have been infected with this virus and more than 1 lax people have died. When we compare the situatio
What Disorder Do I Have Quiz

What Disorder Do I Have Quiz

Mental disorders are affecting the lives of millions across countries. Stress, anxiety, OCD, Autism, depression, and many are forms of disorders. Some may need immediate consultation but many times they remain unnoticed. Are your emotions getting unc
Test Your knowledge About Hantavirus In Infectious Disease Quiz

Test Your knowledge About Hantavirus In Infectious Disease Quiz

Hantavirus is basically an infectious disease spread by rodents. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, if a person comes in direct contact with mice, the virus is transmitted from mice to humans. However, hantavirus is not usual