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Best Pollution Quizzes Online
Are you looking for the best Pollution quizzes online? You can get here more than 24 Pollution quizzes with almost 23534 played. Let's play a Pollution quiz.
Carbon Monoxide Quiz Questions and Answers
Carbon monoxide is considered one of the toxic gases, because too much carbon monoxide is in the air, and your body replaces the oxygen in your red blood cells with carbon monoxide. This can lead to serious tissue damage or even death. Carbon monoxid
Basel Convention Trivia Quiz
The Basel Convention is a global agreement to protect human health and protect the environment against the ill effects of hazardous waste. The ban amendment was decided at the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties and was originally adopted
Radioactive Pollution Quiz
Environment has always been constantly affected with lot of troubles and hurdles in the way humans have started to become a burden on the same. Thus, there exists radioactive pollution that is one of the major causes that has been affecting the envir
Zero Waste Quiz: How Much You Know About Zero Waste?
The polluting environment has made people very aware of the change in lifestyle. Not only in the village, but people all over the world are also adopting a zero-waste lifestyle or zero waste lifestyle. It is a way of living in the old fashion, in whi
Plastic In The Ocean Quiz: How Much You Know About Plastic in the Ocean?
Plastic is widely present in our society. If it is said that it has now become settled in our society, then nothing will go wrong. It is omnipresent. It has made its way from the air, water, seafood, and beer to salt. As a result, it is affecting hu
Dust And Smoke Trivia Quiz
Smoke is a complex mixture of gases and fine particles emitted from the visible suspension of carbon or other particles in the air, usually a burning substance. Dust is very small dry particles of earth or sand from finer particles of solids. It is m
Quiz: The Trivia Facts About Plastic Pollution
Pollution, one of the biggest challenges for the world that is ongoing and is much common to all of us! Plastic as we all know is a very dangerous element that has been a major cause of tension and is a big cause of water pollution. Plastic has also
International Plastic Bag Free Day Trivia Quiz
Plastic bags have become an integral part of our daily routine. The invention of plastic bags had made our lifestyles much efficient, cheaper, and convenient but the side effects are hazardous in the long run. On average a plastic bag is used for onl
Quiz: How Well You Know About Effect Of Lockdown On River Pollution?
The decline in pollution of the Ganges and other rivers in India is a strict adherence to the lockdown. Restrictions on industrial and religious activities during the lockdown have helped reduce pollution levels in rivers. According to the KSPCB, the
Quiz: How Much You Know About Recycling Of Electronic Waste?
E-waste is also increasing in the same proportion, As digitization is increasing in countries, The main factors of its origin include the changes in technology and the lifestyle of man. Computers and other related appliances and household appliances
Pollution Due To Fertilizers Quiz Question and Answer
The use of chemical fertilizers is also increasing day by day. Phosphate, nitrogen and other organic chemicals in chemical fertilizers are polluting the environment and groundwater resources of the land. The most dangerous pollutant is biochemistry d
Test Your Knowledge About World Air Quality Report - 2019
According to the World Air Quality Report released, air pollution is one of the most serious threats to human health and more than 92 percent of the world's population is forced to breathe in unsafe air. The air quality data for the year 2019 indicat
Toxic Air - The Price of Fossil Fuels Report Quiz Questions and Answers
Greenpeace South East Asia and the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air in a report titled "Toxic Air - The Price of Fossil Fuel", which assesses the cost of damage from air pollution caused by fossil fuel use. Globally air pollution is estima
Waste Management Trivia Quiz Test
Solid waste management has become an important challenge for world governments and municipal bodies in the 21st century. Due to increasing urbanization, industrialization and population explosion. Increasing urbanization and its effects have led to a
Pollution and Health Metrics Trivia Quiz
Every year the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution issues the Pollution and Health Metrics, Global, Regional and Country Analysis report. This report is based on the findings of the Lancet Commission on Health and Pollution. India, China, and the
Air Pollution Trivia Quiz
Air pollution is the undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological properties of air that adversely affect the living organism. Based on the origin of pollution pollutants are natural and anthropogenic. Natural originated by natural proc
Ultimate Trivia Quiz on Pollution
Pollution is the undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of air, water or land caused by excess accumulation of pollutants. Pollution is the material that causes an adverse effect on the natural quality of any compo
Particulate Mater PM2.5 Trivia Quiz! How Much You Know About PM2.5?
PM is called Particulate Matter, and it is also called Particle Pollution. It is actually a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets present in the atmosphere. They are so small that they can only be detected using an electron microscope. These
Quiz: Test Your Knowledge About Black Carbon!
Research published in Nature Communications highlights the harmful effects on fetal infants' health due to the placement of air pollutants in the placenta. According to research, the placenta of women exposed to high concentrations of 'black carbon'
Thermal Pollution Degradation Of Water Quality Trivia Quiz
Thermal or "thermal pollution" is a process that reduces or reduces the quality of water and increases its ambient temperature. Which leads to an increase in temperature. This is due to the use of coolant water by various industrial plants such as th
Quiz: Do You Know About Noise Pollution Dangerous for Biodiversity?
The noise and "noise pollution" of cities are not only troubling the common man, but birds are also being affected. Noise pollution is not only affecting the voice, song, birds' routine but also their reproduction and numbers. Noise pollution is a ma
Quiz: How Much You Know About Electronic Waste?
In the 21st century world, we can not turn our back on 'Technology', and we can not even face the fact that "e-waste" generated by it is a big threat to mankind or the whole community. Increasing population due to which increasing needs is a big reas
Trivia Quiz On Sulphur Dioxide Emitted By India
According to the 'Greenpeace' report, India is the largest emitter of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the world.SO2 emissions are an important factor in air pollution. When its concentration in the atmosphere is high, it forms sulfur oxide (SOX). SOX reacts
Ultimate Trivia Quiz On Pollution Control
The presence of being in the world has been endangered due to pollution. One of the major factor is many birds and wildlife have become extinct from this world. There are some ways through which we control pollution like we should try to stop human p